Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thing 5

I really enjoyed Flickr. I found out that some of my friends have photos on there. I also discovered that tags are put on pictures to help people search keywords. I found some neat Math photos on Flickr. I read another "player's" blog, and she had said she might use some Flickr images with her students to help them find a picture of how they feel about math. I thought that was a terrific idea!


jchoy said...

What a great picture! It would look great on your website.

There are just so many possibilities with flickr.

LKP said...

I agree, Flikr was way more fun than I thought it would be --- a little TOO much fun if you don't have unlimited time to spend!
BTW, I love your sparkly frog!!!

Amitch said...

Your blogs are so colorful and inviting to read. What a powerful pic!

Budget said...

I like your Math picture. This would be a great tool for you to use on the first day of school.

"High Expectations"

Mrs. Meuse said...

I love your friend's idea of having students search for pictures that represent their feelings about math. You could display these around the room and ask students to reflect on them at the end of the first grading period. For example, on the last test of the 6 or 9 weeks, you might ask, "Think about the picture you selected at the beginning of the year. Does it still represent your feelings about math, or do you need a new picture? Please explain."