Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thing 10

I've been waiting for thing 10 so I could make one of these! I think this is loads of fun, and I think this has endless uses in the classroom. I teach math and science, and science trading cards would be great for vocabulary. For example, erosion, weathering, construction, destruction, etc. They could be described and defined, and have a picture as well! I had fun with image chef also. I made a front page with my wrecked car and a headline that read: "Teacher's car smashed in hit and run!"


Amitch said...

Too cute!
Did you really make the paper?

cneal said...

I agree! Too cute! I took a class this summer and created a magazine cover. Very easy. I also showed the girls how to use it. They loved it. I'm just not sure if you every print them or what. That seems like a lot of ink! The boys are so adorable.