Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thing 18

Wow! I never knew there was such a thing as Google Docs! My husband's laptop does not have a word processing program, so this will be great! But my question is, if I am on a computer without a word processing program, can I use Google docs to open a word processing document? (For example, if I am opening an email that has a WP document attached, will it open through google docs?)


jchoy said...

Yes, you can! When you open Google docs you will see an "upload" button - you can upload word documents. After creating a document you can save it to open in Word or in Open Office. Google has certainly thought of everything!

LKP said...

Yes, you can, and so can others! It is such a great way to collaborate on documents together and to save documents that you can access and use from ANY computer that can access the internet!